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Let's Connect: GOFN Now Offers Ads

Howdy all! Like you, I absolutely love toys, go figure! It's with an insatiable, non-quenchable love for independent toymakers and those who collect them that we reach out!

Here at Go Figure News we are an innovative forum looking for exciting new designer toys, action figures + collectibles to feature in our daily magazine and social media. The search is endless, but never tiresome. To date we have truly shrugged off all attempts to offer advertising. We feel, in general, it's a bit cheesy and repetitive - we are the type that FF>> past commercials while binge-watching. But now fully into our 3rd year of programming we also realize that it may have some value. When we use the phrase 'Simply Nerdvana' we don't use that lightly, mean truly it - we want a site for like collectors and creatives to universally gather to geek out about the most incredible resin where the paint is still drying, or the impeccable cardback to the most peculiar mashup bootleg, or the latest colorway of some spectacular and limited edition vinyl!


Toys are collectable, interactive and as different and similar as the vernacular that has built our community, which continues to grow in various, mysterious ways. Like many, we are a small business with big ideas, and all we do is support the artists whose work we enjoy so much, and want to see survive and thrive. As an online magazine we continue to produce feature interviews, p/reviews, contests and news about our community of collectors and creatives. As an artist myself, I understand the importance of the creative spirit and hard work that backs it all up. We relish craftsmanship, brand recognition, humor, great design and signature style. So, with daily operations, attendance at toy fairs, travel, standard operation costs, photography, graphics, video production and more we realize that it takes a lot of work to produce a credible, fun and engaging site for our readers - and we want you to be able to find the figures they are looking for from the most sought after sources, from all corners of the planet, no matter how limited.



We have devised a very simple plan where we will offer four ad sizes that will appear for intervals up to six months, depending on which plan you choose:

Small Ad Plan (appears: all reviews/magazine): 215x215 pixels (right column)

$30/mo, $75/3 months, $125/6 months -- Your ad appears aside every post (most traffic).

Small Ad Plan 2 (appears: 210x210 pixels (right column)

$20/mo, $50/3 months, $85/6 months -- Your ad appears on the static page.

Medium Ad Plan (appears: 730x200 pixels (Top Banner)

$100/mo or $225/3 months -- Your ad appears on the static page.

Large Ad Plan (appears: all reviews/magazine): 970x225 pixels (Top Banner) $150/mo or $250/2 months -- Your ad appears above every post (most traffic).

We are hosting ads starting November 1st (we have a few samples in place already for your perusal). The placement of ads will be rotated monthly. If you are interested please do not hesitate to reach out to me. You simply supply the graphic and we can have your ad up within 24 hours. In terms of payment, we accept either Square or PayPal (payments are in advance and non-refundable). We want you to feel satisfied in choosing to advertise with Go Figure News where we now reach up to 20K readers monthly in over 150 countries.

Here's hoping you will find our pricing both affordable and flexible. Our ears are always open in case you have feedback. Keep us on our toes with your creativity, if you offer production samples and/or if we are not already, please include us on your PR/Media E-list ( for upcoming announcements! Thanks so much for your time and here's hoping you join us with a GOFN ad plan. We are here, get used to it! ;) -- now tell two friends!

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