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Postcard from Designer Con 2016

When Go Figure News asked me to visit DesignerCon in Pasadena, California, I said, “Sure, okay.” Soon thereafter I thought, “Where am I going? Designer what? Designer toys? But I’m an action figure collector!” My next thought was -- “shut up Sal.”

I went to DesignerCon with my friend Robby. We agreed that if we were to get separated to meet at the giant human face/animal body thingy (Jermaine Rogers' booth). We talked about how it reminded us of the scene from 1978’s “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” when the dog appears with a human face. We both loved that scene! Unfortunately, we never got lost.

I don’t like to get political but… who am I kidding? I love to get political! Especially when it comes to someone we can all agree on - Kim Jung-un. If everything we read is true, this man is as horrible as his father - Kim Jong “It’s Time to Get”-il. I wanted to check the price on this but we ran out of time. But I found lil’ Kim to be horribly adorable! (GOFN's SDCC review of this Frank Kozik figure)

This is Joe Ledbetter. I’m so lame I didn’t realize that I was meeting someone whose actual pieces I had in my collection. I’m the proud owner of “Dizzy,” part of 2007’s Finders Keepers Mini-Figure Series. I’m also certain I have at least two other tiny figures designed by Joe. And he’s from Los Angeles just like me! You think maybe we will hang out? Oh yeah, we will totally hang out.

No way! Artist Jason Edmiston! (I’m cool. Totally cool.) Not like I gave him a shout out on one of my YouTube reviews or anything. A fantastic artist! Responsible for a few of the presidents’ drawings as part of Heroes in Action’s “Presidential Monsters” figure series. He’s also done art work for Jason of “Friday the 13th” for NECA. I couldn’t let him know how excited I was to see him. And he’s bald like me! Although I shave my head because my hair is thinning; I’m sure Jason does it for artistic reasons.

This is Sarah Isabel Tan of Firestarter Design. She was presenting her popular DARUMAO! resin figurine. You can buy a blank or a painted one. She also had other items based on her designs including stickers. She came all the way from Singapore! I should have asked her if she needed a ride to the airport. I’m so inconsiderate. When will I learn? * GOFN reviewed her Noodles figure here.

3D printed figures! Meet PJ from Onell Design. He showed me little, military-style 3D printed battle robots. My first time toying around with a 3D printed figure! (I’m cool. Totally cool.) I can only imagine how 3D printers are affecting the toy industry. I was excited to touch them. And from what I saw at DesignerCon, 3D printing is blowing up!

Dallas, Texas’ own Furry Feline Creatives had set up shop. I chatted with Cheri. Her husband and partner Alvin was who-knows-where. As a cat lover, the name alone grabbed me. Felines? Where? So cute and silly are their 12 inch Purridge Bacon & Eggs – a cat with two sunny side up eggs for eyes! And their poo-poo and pee-pee patterned “If it’s brown flush it down if it’s yellow let it mellow” plushies…excuse me, nature calls!

No one was at the UAMOU booth when we passed by. I was hoping to meet artist/designer Ayako Takagi but instead had to settle for her tiny creations. Holding her figures reminded me of my early introductions to designer vinyls… I always imagine them as having an Asian influence. The tiny horns on the figure convey a youthful innocence rather than anything devilish.

We stopped by The Wrong Gallery booth, seeing work by Thirsty Toys’ Evan Shen, namely his renowned Pugzilla figure. But I was head over heels for the skeleton figure pictured up front! And we ended the day with another dog with a human head. This time a skull. Invasion of the body snatchers forever! As far as designer toys, I walked into DesignerCon somewhat neutral and lackluster, but I walked out a fan. I have a new appreciation for the artistry, the colors, the daring symbolism and the international vibe of a con like this.

....I’ll be back.

About The Author: Sal Rodriguez began collecting figures upon discovering UFC and WWE figures by Jakks Pacific. He lives in Los Angeles with his cat Little Mister and over 2,000 action figures. Subscribe to his YouTube channel.

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