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Chop Chop by Coarse x Amanda Visell

STUMPED: The kids may be happy, but the scene itself has a certain melancholy. The unexpected, but somehow perfectly matched collaboration between Amanda Visell and Coarse is one for the designer history books. Together they have captured a pit-in-the-stomach emotional scene, man vs. nature. Despite the fact that this piece had to have been a b**ch to fabricate, it's really the raw (and adorable somehow) scene that grabs you by the compassionate neurons to wake you up consciously or not, to the harsh realities of climate change. At least that's what I'm feeling. When looking at the promo image I count about a dozen individual parts/pieces to the overall set in total.

The kids clamor with glee as the tree stump falls to splinters at the mercy of the lil' axe wielders below. It's a quasi 'Goliath' story with a twist. Now the pairing of artist/designers brings this to the limited masses this Thursday (9:59am cst) in a very limited edition of only 150 sets. Now don't balk when you see the price of $384 bucks as this will be a surefire collector's item. Wouldn't this be amazing to see under your own plastic tree this season? They are actually in stock and ready to rip, so that will likely be the case. I am ready to own my first-ever piece from these makers and, in fact, I'm writing Santa an addendum, right now!

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