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In Memory of Carrie Fisher

Thank you for entertaining us, for your part in bringing us one of the greatest science fiction adventures of all time. Thank you for all the laughs, countless celebrity roasts, your gritty wit was endless. Thank you for your intelligence and great humor, Postcards from the Edge was just brilliant! Thank you on behalf of a community in recovery, for telling your personal story so openly. Thank you for being you. Thank you for awakening a twelve year old boy, now 51 years young.

Last year I wrote to you for the very first (and only) time. Though I never received a response, one was not necessary since there were no questions posed, just praise for your work. I remember one of the things I said in my message, however, and it still rings true now that you're gone: I said that if circumstances were different we'd likely be great friends because we share(d) a sense of edgy wit. You will be missed by generations who grew up watching you on the big and small screen, but you leave us in anticipation of your final role as General Leia Organa in next year's Star Wars: Episode 8.

Our sincere condolences to the extended family, friends and many fans.

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