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Drunk Face + More From Butch-O-Vision

TWO FAT FOAMY CHEERS: Last Fall I had the true pleasure of meeting the man behind Butch-O-Vision, Louisiana based artist, Butch Von Dreaux. I was immediately taken in by his stylized vinyls that were perfect cartoon/horror mashups. He is always churning out new cool work, and this is freshly available just this week, and we obtained his Drunk Face piece, both in the OG Painted version as well as a pure Glow-In-The-Dark version. While with deft hand the artist presents a figure wielding two of man's best friends, powertools and good brew, this is not your average everyday guy. Instead, though not explicitly stated anywhere other than these pages, this is a delightful mashup of Barney Gumble and Leatherface - from two genres perfectly suited for one another - comedy and tragedy. Super reasonably priced (worth every last cent) at only $16.66 (wink). Here's our video review:

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE....Not just that but Mr. Butch also snuck in an additional figure, you may remember my previous review of The Doh-Nut Killer (RZ Variant), and he went ahead and sent me the GITD version ($13.33) of this as well (figure comes loose sans box). So I have a look at that as well as a few other fun bonuses. Did you also know that his story Candy Corn is being adapted into a movie? Here's more info that went up from Rue-Morgue Magazine. The image below are the actual figures we looked at, glowing with that sweet green essence, after less than ten minutes in the light! They will fit perfectly snug into the permanent collection.

PS: Support the making of Candy Corn with your Local Patch 31 direct purchases here.

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