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Make America Obey Again

So much alternative truth, so lil' time. Landing square in your face for the occasion upon which we celebrate real alternatives as part of Clutter's (In)Action Figures #5 exhibition opening this weekend, is Trump Lives by Timebandits x Vile Consumption! A variation on a theme that seems endless and utterly ignorable by certain standards, though those even seem to be a far-reach these days. A vile figure emerges, so awkwardly garish, with great card art! And of course, it's limited to only 5 (thank goddess), at $85ea.

The artist shares "Whether you are for him or against him... he's all around you. There's no escaping him. You will CONSUME BIGLY and he will MAKE AMERICA OBEY AGAIN..." Opening on Feb 11th this collaboration was well-timed to drop anytime really, but within the first 100 days seems appropriate.


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