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Review: Lady Vader by K8M

Welcome to the Star Wars alternate universe. This is Lady Vader, and she is something else. Crafted in a sumptious resin by Thai artist Treetana Veeraprapan, otherwise known as K8M, and also TGU Warrior. This is an amazing custom piece from an original sculpt (we only know of two to exist in this colorway) that we originally saw in this form:

GIRL POWER²: Mashing-up the evil Sith with a powerful female presence. Just below you can check out our review of this near 10.5" sci-fi warrior amazon goddess, gilded in a gorgeous and phased variety of metallic sprays. The word "gorgeous" is an understatement as I hope I better explored in our video review right here:

We discovered his work as part of the phenomenal collective that puts on ATM: Art Toys Meeting (coming up on March 26th!) and Art Toys Thailand Spotlight. Our friend in Thailand also send a few special added printed editions which I show off as well, but here are a few of our in-house glam shots to whet your whistle. The video rounds it all out. Don't forget to subscribe as to not miss a single minute - we have something awesome coming soon, promise!

Huge thanks to Treetana!

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