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New Acquisitions: Vicodin + Smack, Crack + Pot

Sounds like a elicit medicine cabinet just exploded all over the studio, but that's not quite true. Though something psychedelic this way comes with new adult art toys from Luke Chueh and Ron English! Oh, these two are something special, and this round has been completely sponsored by our very good friends up in the big apple, Tenacious Toys! We love you guys.

In this video review, just below, you will witness Chueh's The Prisoner (Vicodin), a small resin figure made with the incredible Munky King and packaged oh so perfectly, and as usual, based on a painting with a matching theme - and it's the second in an ongoing series. They are temporarily sold out (they promise more are coming!). Then, speaking of series, from Cereal Killers comes Smack, Crack & Pot - the latest from Popaganda, Ron English's joint. And this one will practically make your head(s) spin. Oo la la. This 8.5" vinyl riff on Rice Krispies has been transformed into Obesie O's (Sugar Enriched, of course)! It retails for $65 and is available from Tenacious Toys now and they do an awesome job shipping fast and packaging with the best customer service in the biz (see more in the video too). Make sure to sign up for their Danger Biscuits Reward Program (you get 200 biscuits up-front)! Kick back and enjoy the show........


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