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Kickender :(

You might remember this piece where we featured upcoming figures designed by Michael Lau specifically geared for a fundraiser for The World of Tim Burton back in January. If not here's a sneak peak back so you can reminisce about what might have been. Fast-forward to quarter two and the unfortunate news is the fundraiser did not meet its goal, the company that was backing the effort, TAO Co. They told me: "Due to the financial issue of the project, we cannot proceed with production of the figures. It’s an unfortunate situation. Yet, we don’t have other solutions." We agree and are honestly saddened by the news that these figures will not be realized in the expected limited edition. You see lots of reports on upcoming and successful campaigns like this, but often there are those, even by artists who are very well known, like Lau and Burton, that go unfunded. Kickstarter can be win/lose for anyone who undertakes one. We just wanted to give them a nod for their effort, acknowledging that perhaps these may emerge in some form in the future, beyond the version that was exhibited. This may also include the other expected Hot Toys figure as well. Sorry for the disappointing news, just thought those who might be interested would want to know.

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