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GOFN's Top 10 Posts Of All-Time

LOOK BACK IN ANGER? As we approach the three year mark it seemed like an appropriate time to look back in nostalgic wonderment about what attracted our readers most. You might be surprised, especially given our pedigree for focusing on the deeper, darker, more independent side of toymaking. This is what our readers in over 160 countries flocked to most.....

Back in early 2015 our site was much more column based. This was a popular, in personal, favorite by a friend Lennon "LJ the Toy Addict" George. Lennon was instrumental in our early days. This particular story really resonated over a long period of time for those who love Saturday morning cartoons. I even despite someone viewing it just the other day. A great stroll down memory lane.

Before our bubble was completely burst on anything/everything Funko, our very good friend Chris Hammond penned this ditty to illuminate the darkness on the sappiest toys of our time. He did so before moving from acting editor to his own spot at Rue Morgue Magazine (taking with him the Sunday Bloody Funday column that we collab'd on), where he's still is resident. A really great guy who has something to say about collectible things that go bump in the night.

One of our most popular columns back in 2015 was the Marvel Select Minute. Writer McWilleyhausen never revealed his true identity, and we were perfectly okay with that. His deft knowledge of the Marvel select line and the history of the comics in general astounded me in made for a great read. This was a fantastic compendium that shared key terms, list price versus value, and an extremely detailed review structure. Oh, not to mention some fantastic photographs of the line!

We absolutely loved working with Raymond Diamzon, one of our Asia-based correspondents, on this column. And his background regarding all things LEGO seemed endless. This series ran quite long in terms of columns with staying power. We can't help thinking that this particular post was attractive to those on the fringes of the scene. Though Raymond also was involved in other humanitarian aspects of the toy that has broken international ground.

I was devastated when Nathan Dewitt told me that he got real day job! Great for him, but so glad so sad for us. His political take on toys always had my full attention. Though his state was somewhat brief, this column had a big impact with our readers as well. Whether talking about political leaders fashioned into bobble heads or his huge Jesus collection or the basis for a plastic graveyard that will perhaps one day be recycled into the latest series of toys, his column had a big bite!

Our good friend Salvador Los Angeles always had us completely in stitches. His long-running column, postcards from… always had but true soul, and to harass with comedic sarcasm.

I penned this preview and must have hit the timing just right as people poured in to oogle at the perty pictures, and I tossed up aplenty. Eh, I wasn't even successful in nabbing any of these for review, had to settle for a single figure in another line that wasn't half as exotic.

This was my early flash preview of treats you might find at the 2016 rendition of San Diego International Comic Con. I heard it was very hot last year. I'm a complete con-phobe, so still a virgin when it comes to such things. Personally I think this was one of my weaker sneak previews, but 1000s read or at least clicked this piece to catch an early glimpse.

Though by 2016 we were pretty over it, the mystery subscription box phenomenon exploded unexpectedly on the scene. Would like to think that we were one of the few zines out there grabbing a hold of this wave in terms of developing some type of critical balance. We even had a couple of dedicated columns, a few unboxings, and an annual "Best Of" in 2014 (here) and in 2015. My interest waned heavily once I started to realize that pretty much every item in every box was licensed back to some corporation somewhere. In many ways analyzing this craze helped pave the way for our left turn towards exclusively covering independent toys in the makers thereof. It was a lot of fun while it lasted.

Actually it was a bit of a surprise when we saw these two stories separated by under 10 clicks. Both covered highly popular, in the public eye, events or franchises, etc. I'll give you a hint, I personally penned the piece #thenewbeaniebabie under a pseudo name using my maternal great grandmothers' surname. You're welcome! I guess I had just absolutely had it with license after license after license and endless releases of Batman, Deadpool and the rest. So this was my keys to put the kabosh on Funko once and for all for this page.

The other story, on another level, was perfectly capturing that moment just before a major event like a new Star Wars movie, finally! I think everybody who loves science fiction, including myself, were completely enraptured at the time. Now we are being treated to a new episode every year, and so far these last two have been fantastic. So, to the fans, to the readers, to the haters, and any tweeners - this was all for you, and all for XO

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