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Review: The Suckpanels

WHAT'S A SUCKPANEL? Okay, so let me 'splain - as an artist first, and a collector second (and lots of other unspoken thangs), I have to take pause sometimes. The whole "poor starving artist" thing does have a ring to it, even for those collectors who are not necessarily creative folk per se. Hey, collecting, in and of itself, is something creative - it's like curating your own personal taste! I rarely have the sheckles to rub together to bring home all the acquisitions I might wish to adorn my fairly small flat. Enough hemmin' n' hawin' about deneros.

Over the years I've amassed a decent collection of contemporary art that I'm quite proud of. And then the Sucklord just had to go and release not one, but two different series' just recently. Yes they will make my walls much brighter, and my wallet fueled only by coupons, a few stamps and a little bit of dust. These are on of ones, originals, completely unique. And they were around a hundred bucks each. Over the past years I've got myself some of his carded figures and other oddities, but nothing like these. I can't imagine having passed on these incredible gems. They are even better in person than on video, and what I also consider quite "meta" in terms of Suckadelic's recent output. Do you want to see the duo of panels that I added to my new acquistions? To have me turn these back to front for you your simply going to have to click below and check out my full-color video review:

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