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Best Blog 2017: & The Nominees Are...

For the 2017 Designer Toy Awards (otherwise known in the scene simply as "the DTAs") there are a solid dozen nominees in the Best Blog category, for which we are nominated for the very first time(!). It's absolutely thrilling, and though the phrase may seem trite, an honor to be nominated. When I perused this list (above) it looked more like a shortlist of the who's who, or the Cliff Notes of those out there covering the scene. But it also gives me pause to consider the scale of the designer toy scene in terms of full coverage to the subject. Are there other sites? Are we the Top 12 internationally? Are we it? Think about it, even the larger geek media out there like Wired,, Nerdist, The Verge, Gizmodo, IGN, Collider, etc. sadly rarely cover what matters to us - designer art toys.

I am excited to be among a seemingly small, selective group that I have something to say about. A few of these guys are "veterans" who have created the standard and have been chugging along for quite some time (SpankyStokes and Toyrevil), others grew up alongside Go Figure News (The Toy Chronicle), still others have a much more commercial approach with lots of advertisers and sponsors, or are in the ever-changing world of the vlog/podcast. As someone who's worked both in busy print-based newsrooms as well as a scrappy freelancer artist, I see all of my colleagues taking credible, acceptable and honest approaches to delivering their love of independent toys. You may have read my comments in the past about seeing ourselves more like an electronic 'zine - a collage of many things, with a good balance of social media. Not to be unintentionally dismissive on any front, though as bloggers we are not a category judged by a Pro Panel/Jury, instead only by the general public. Some might call it a "popularity contest". That sits in quotes because in terms of journalistic leadership, we make up the dirty dozen this year, a vast majority of potential peers that might be eligible to vote on each other given the necessity of a jury. (add echo chamber effect here). We all have to be quite crazy "for the love of it" toy geeks to deliver news about something as niche as toys targeted for adults, yes? I wouldn't want it any other way!

To my colleagues in the field.... Honestly, I keep so busy with the site and my studio work, other writing projects and supporting my fiancee and haus mastiff (Sergeant Belvedere) that I rarely get a proper sit down with the long-form format (vlogs/podcasts). Some have their groove on and I've heard great things about Rob's 'For The Masses' and the collaborative that does 'Marsham Toy Hour' but I honestly have to say I have been remiss to tune in, though I appreciate the Facebook reminders and direct emails to tune in. You'll have to pardon me. I promise I will, and once I do I'll be like "SH*T, I coulda had a V-8 and binge-watched the entire season!" Please do not hiss at me for being ill-informed, but these guys do a bang-em up job advertising. As for 'The Blindbox Podcast' this is the first time I am hearing of you guys, so it's great to have something brand-new (to me at least) to delve into in time. Of this sub-category I have definitely enjoyed a handful of videos that the guys (and occasional gal) from 'Urban Vinyl Daily' in Ohio have conjured - congrats on the nuptials Travis! They have a sweet and passionate approach, and being toymakers themselves brings soul to the table. And as a fellow furry face, appreciate the beard oil tips!

Of the other bloggers, I will say standing beside you is a sweet honor, a few of you I've peeked in on from time to time. I've had the pleasure of working with Benny and his amazing Tenacious Toys on a number of promotions, reviews, etc. and the 'Tenacious Ninja' is always a worthy resource. He is a generous spirit of a man, and I think balancing an online shop with a blog and probably lots of other toy-related multitasking is quite commendable. To the leaders of the pack like 'TTC' and 'SpankyStokes' - they have taken home the gold since the awards began. They are both credible, hard-working and have regular contributing teams, they make it more challenging to "compete" - especially all by myself (cue music) here in the Lone Star State....but I give John and Gary a lot of street cred for their delivery of regular colorful updates, on both sides of the Atlantic. Though I hope they are willing to give us some room on the top tier of those keyboard twiddlers who really love a thriving creative scene this year (and years thereafter)! I still think that the dudes at TTC are either drinking Red Bull 24/7 or have one of those infamous Russian hacking houses to spit out so much content, makes me dizzy -- but I love it, and they spin some fancy graphics too. Spanky has a fistful of golden statuettes, and his podner Nick always does a gentlemanly job in his video posts, they are a great duo. I enjoy my off-topic conversations with John, he kindly makes me feel like a perfectly awkward outsider, exactly where I like it, acquired taste as we are. And then there is Andy and his "always-there-first" 'Toysrevil' - a regular go-to. He is the only site out of Asia that is nominated, and I like his balance of retro-style blogging and forays into other geek pop culture. Hey, if I could vote more than once I'd likely throw most of these guys a click, alas....

What 'Go Figure News' does that differentiates us from the pack is the constant search for the new, researching the next trend, the oddest of oddballs, the shiniest and most brazen. I just love risk-takers who are bringing both craftsmanship and conceptual creativity. We put out satirical and quizzical pieces sometimes questioning authenticity, or the growing use of appropriation, and always interested in exploring new fusions of media in the art toy world. Over the past few years we've developed a certain discontent for typical commercial fare that is churned out in large quantities in Chinese factories, and have turned to the brighter side of the handmade and highly-crafted. We love toys with soul, we love artists, we love writing, analyzing various objet d'art to the nth degree. Sure we get press releases somewhat regularly, and sometimes its hard to discern quality from a teaser image, but snap decisions are informed by experience, and we have never been one to regurgitate only that which has been fed to us. We love the dialogue we have with toymakers and with our readers, sharing common ground daily. And we've done this all, since day one without compensation and with a complete DIY approach, sans paid advertisers. We are invigorated, but not only by pretty pictures of the latest toy gem, but through more fully exploring the backstory. And my ever-changing GO-Team has been proud to deliver consistently, nearly every day for the past three full years, without a break! So, receiving this nod was awesome, respectful, and pretty damn sweet! I'm sure any of these guys could serve their own argument for what they do, so there.

I WANT TO WAKE UP IN A CITY THAT DOESN'T SLEEP: And what's more?....It's been nearly 18 years since I've stepped foot on New York City soil, and this would give me a very short opportunity to re-acquaint with some old and beloved friends while en route to my original hometown of Boston to visit and take care of my mom (who was only very recently diagnosed with cancer) and other elder family throughout New England. So the competition has lit a bright spark in me to break from the daily routine.

PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER TO VOTE: Thanks goes out to all the readers, fans, friends, watchers, collecting folk like me who have subscribed, pressed 'Like' or even been part of the silent majority. We honor the opportunity to get to know you all much better. For now, as Depeche Mode once wisely chirped: "Tonight, I'm in the hands of fate..." So, we are crossing our t's, our eyes and our fingers n' toes that on the off-chance that the votes fall left of center, to the underdog, with the help of the toy goddesses, that they just might call our name from the main stage! Though the power of the written word feels so good, the power is now the people's (that's YOU) to uphold. So please do register at and show your support, it'll only take a minute or two to express yourself in six different categories. Big cheers to all my fellow nominees, with a serious sense of true gusto! It's in the hands of the voters now......xo

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