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Animal Warriors of The Kingdom Kickstarter

As you know we at GOFN are big fans of really stylish action figures, especially when they are crafted by toymakers with an artistic, adventurous spirit. This is a Kickstarter to bookmark for any/everyone interested in something completely new. Here we have Animal Warriors of The Kingdom™ Series One by Spero Studios which debuts on May 15th. This is the first offering and is inspired by The Kingdom comic book featuring the animal warriors from the first story arc.

(Packing mockups above)

There are a half dozen figures for starters: apes, canines + felines - oh my, oh my! We are animal-lovers if that wasn't already obvious. The figures boast 17 points of articulation, so they will be ready for battle posemanship. The initial set includes the backstory's lead protagonist, Pale (keep reading...) as well as his arch nemesis, Baron Kah Lee. These are 1:18 scale and are sculpted to reflect the comic book realness from the original source material by Jason + Natalie Bienvenu. Mix n' match, build your own army! Watch their Facebook page for more.....

What's more, they have an additional unlockable character for stretch goals built in (!), Toxious (a chemical warfare specialist) once their campaign hopefully reaches $75Gs. He's a skunk and a sorta one-animal army. Spero told us: "his noxious stench can incapacitate almost anyone. If his foul odor doesn’t defeat you his formidable fighting skills will. Create a Horrid Assassin Variant with alternate head accessory. Includes 3 weapons." But I do not want to get ahead of ourselves here. We, of course, fully support this project and hope you do too. Let me introduce you to the character set:

PALE - ADVENTURE ARMOR: Albino Chimpanzee -The young albino ape king sports his trademark Mohawk and red armor. His ability to absorb his fallen enemies powers comes at a great cost as their ghosts become attached to him and slowly drive him mad! Create Wolf Pack Thug with alternate head accessory. Includes: 3 weapons.

BARON KAH LEE: Chimpanzee - The tyrannical ruler over all of the Ape Kingdom. This devious villain rules with an iron paw and will stop at nothing to secure his place at the throne, including eliminating the rightful ruler. Pale, the young ape king! Create Kah Lee's Elite Guard with alternate head accessory. Includes: 3 weapons.

ATREIU: Lion - This traveling hero roams from town to town fighting for honor and revenge. His people were among the first to be displaced and enslaved by the Baron’s reign. Includes: 3 weapons.

CHUNARIAN SOLDIERS: Chimpanzee -These heroic soldiers make up the backbone of the Chunarian army and guard the walls of the sanctuary jungle city of Chuh-Nar from enemies of every kind. Create the Captain of the Guard with alternate head accessory. Includes: 2 weapons.

CAPTAIN BRUTUS & THE HORRID KNIGHTS: Mandrill - Feral Mandrill soldiers meant to overwhelm and decimate rival armies; what they lack in fighting skill they make up for with sheer numbers and unhinged savagery! Create the Horrid Knights with alternate head accessory. Includes: 2 weapons.

THE HORRID ASSASSINS: Chimpanzee - Only slightly less vile than the mandrills these chimps are deadly with a bow but can wield a blade when in a bind. These apes rain hate down on opposing armies as the city gates give way to the steady push of the Horrid! Includes 5 weapons.

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