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Dynamite Collection from Medicom
From the Medicom Dynamite Collection comes Mr. Toru Abo, a 1:6 scale sofubi lineup of Dragum (the Real Type colorway) and Soltick by New...
Yamakichiya's Robot Ironman 28
SOFUBI ME: This is one super cool bot! From Yamakichiya comes Robot Ironman No. 28 (Brown Version). The Yamayoshiya Limited Edition is...
Playsometoys Brings the Macinbot
Debuting at Toysoul this "why didn't I think of it" Macinbot will be coming in March ('17) from Playsometoys (Hong Kong). It's a playful...
Review: Mechatro WeGo A Go Go
ROBOTS R' US: This week GOFN has the pleasure of looking much more in-depth into the Japanese toymakers Chubu/Sentinel Co, Ltd figures...
Tinkerbots Takes LEGO To The Next Level
IMAGINE A WORLD......For those block builders and brick wizards out there who have always dreamed of taking your amazing LEGO or similar...
1000toys Unveils MechatroWeGo
Good news everyone! Especially if you are new to 1000toys, a refined toymaker from Japan. The company is thrilled to announce the start...
The Sci-Fi Guy: Battle of the Giants Pt. 1
Sci-Fi Guy here, and as you all know I am a huge collector of anything Transformers. Growing up with them since the very beginning, my...
Bots + Monsters: Q&A with David White of Mechazone
Welcome to the MechaZone! Q) First off, may I ask what is the inspiration behind these beautiful bots you design? What got you into the...
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