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Flashback Friday: Extra Crispy Edition
by Lysa Goodman As we prep for the costumes and all-out candy binge of Halloween, I dug into my archives for something spooky with a...
Comikaze Kick-Off
LOS ANGELES: Stan Lee’s Comikaze is Los Angeles’ first and only large-scale, multi-media pop culture convention. Held annually at the Los...
The F-Box: We Fill In The Blank!
The F-Box from Fugitive Toys, still rather new, hits the streets for it's fourth monthly mystery box. They sell all sorts of cool stuff,...
Retroprotection: New Sizes Demo & Review
Visit Retroprotection for 5% Off any order through 10/31. Use Code: GOFIGURE at Checkout. #retroprotection #hikari #funko #rides...
Killer Toy: Wanna Plaaaaaaay!
by Lennon George Chucky Roto Figure by Mezco: Growing up as kid I really got into the horror genre, having liked some of the old monster...
Batman Boxed: Celebrating A Record Year
B²BOX: Continuing in the glow of Seventy-Five supercool BAM-Pow-BIFF! years Batman appears, yes, the caped crusader, to be only one of...
Magical Universe: Bringing Figures To New Life
Magical Universe, the documentary about artist Al Carbee (1914-2005) by Jeremy Workman opens on Halloween Day. We highly recommend this...
MARVEL: Coming Soonish To A Theater Near You
More Soon..... #marvel #blackpanther #avengers #infinitywar #captainmarvel #guardiansofthegalaxy #inhumans #doctorstrange #thorragnarok...
Guan Yu Three-Ways
GUAN YU Reigns: Just when you thought it was safe to dip your toes in the cool refreshing waters of Funko Asia come three variations on a...
Planet of the Apes 101 Plus The New Infantry 2-Pack Exclusive
by TJ Norris The first-ever figure/s I collected were Planet of the Apes (POTA), yes, the old school figures, with the playset, et al...
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