Walking Dead: Seasons Greetings Scary SaleSERIES 5: From McFarlane Toys comes a bevy of serious contenders for haunting any house, collection or otherwise. If you have not been...
Walking on the Skyside: Skylanders 101 (PT. 1) by Lennon George Something you may or may not know about me is that I am over obsessed with the Skylanders Game. Some of you maybe...
Kidrobot: BOGO 40% OffAs the sign says, Buy One - Get One @ 40% Off! This sale will last a week, and some of these will truly sell out fast. We love kidrobot...
Beyond Bumblebee: Transformers VintageSpecial for Go Figure by Cat “Venomiss” Hahn Autobots Roll Out: Imagine driving along the highway to suddenly you hear that morphing...
Here in a FLASHby Dan Reynolds From the title I'm sure you've guessed the topic of my newest article. If not, don't worry I'll explain shortly. So, many...
Constantine: New Series, New Figure from DC CollectiblesDC Comics' Constantine is officially on the scene. As the new NBC series hits the ground running this week slotted after one of our...
Jason vs Freddy Reaction Exclusivesby Nick Lucier 1, 2, Freddy's coming for you... A long time ago, back when the Nintendo entertainment system was very popular, there were...
R Toys Us?Go Figure is in full solidarity with those trying to keep certain toys on the shelves at the behemoth reseller, Toys R' Us. We think it...
Funko Asia via Toy TokyoThese have been difficult to find outsie of the conventions - so why not try ToyTokyo! They have them up now and are a decent price,...
Vinylmation Sweeps All NationsSpecial to Go Figure by Cat “Venomiss” Hahn No it’s not another classic Disney movie or theme park, but something so epic you’ll be...