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Transmission: Emperor Palpatine Glows
As the primary antagonist of George Lucas' original vision, Emperor (or Chancellor) Palpatine was the ruler of the Galactic Empire and an...
Pop! News: In The Beginning, Intro 2.0
by Cat "Venomiss" Hahn Hello and welcome to a new year. I personally am a Funko Pop! Collector and self-proclaimed Pop-a-holic and have...
Walking Dead: Seasons Greetings Scary Sale
SERIES 5: From McFarlane Toys comes a bevy of serious contenders for haunting any house, collection or otherwise. If you have not been...
The Many Faces of Frankenstein
by Lennon George Frankenstein’s monster has long been a fan favorite of horror and monster movie fanatics around the world. It’s just...
They Shrunk My Pop!
POCKET POP! They are the same as the bigger ones, just miniaturized to fit inside a collectible tin, in sets of three. Coming in January!...
Behind the Mask: Killer Trivia Edition
by Don (“of the Dead”) Morton With the chill of October in the air, time to dust off all those cobwebs, and sit back and enjoy a little...
A GLOWing Review
by Dan Reynolds So you want to glow in the dark, eh? You think you can handle slowly emitting energy over a long period of time? I doubt...
Toy Wars May Make You Blush (Ltd Time Special Offer)
COLORFUL AUTUMN OFFER: One of our favorite toy stores in the universe is Toy Wars. They are consistent, offer some of the best deals and...
GOshelf: Week 1
Starting this week Go Figure! will feature our Weekly GOshelf that will showcase a few select items that are out there in the...
Hikari & Co.
Hikari, Sofubi - Who's Got My Premium Japanese Vinyl? First of all these are, in fact, made in China as are a majority of products in...
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