Big Trouble In Little China PhotosBig Trouble in Little China is a 1986 American fantasy action comedy film directed by John Carpenter. It stars Kurt Russell, Kim...
Sunday Bloody Funday: CurtainsSo this week we saw an image released of a new custom figure from John Carpenter's The Fog. It wasn't so much an action figure as it was...
Bots + Monsters: Crazy for Cthulu by LegoThose who know me know I'm a big Cthulhu fan. Brought to life by Howard Phillips Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) who was an...
Plastic Trash: The Biggest Piece of High-End Trash of 2015: "The Trashy"Here we are almost a month into the new year and 2015 is quickly fading in the rear view mirror of our minds. The “Best of 2015” lists...
Sunday Bloody Funday: Michael Myers Is Back!Hey There Folks, Canadian Chris here in my new home. I'll be writing full time for Sunday, Bloody Funday starting now, So let's get this...