Nekofukurou Sofubi by Jeff Soto x Blackbook ToyYOU TWO-FACED ANIMAL!: In contention for our toy of the year is this incredible 6" beauty from Jeff Soto, produced by the finest at...
Pretty In Plastic: Warhol In Dunny FormWell, well, well...who woulda thunk we eventually see this amazing collab between the venerable Kidrobot and the pioneer of Pop, Andy...
Cereal Killers Continues with Franken FatHere at we can't think of a more anticipated series than Ron English's Cereal Killers by his own company, Popaganda. We...
Mezco Celebrates Star Trek 50 With Mr. SpockLIVE LONG & PROSPER: From The Cage (original pilot) to Beyond we salute the fifty years that have gone from the small to the silver...
Horrible Adorables by KidrobotJUST IN: We were most assuredly excited to greet FedEx today as he delivered the goods, in the form of Kidrobot's newest Horrible...
Tales Of The Apocalypse Video ReviewGECCO (Japan) releases the first model kits in their new Black Label series. These are Tales of The Apocalypse. The three characters are...
Review: ArmEpic Lich GrimThis little grim resin figure, limited to 40 pieces, was created by Thailand's own Arm Epic who works out of Trinity Art Studio. Let's...
The Ultimate AshIf you are a die hard (no pun intended) horror fan then your day has come to finally collect the coolest and accessory-laden action...
gofigurenews Seeks New PublisherAs the Founder/Publisher and sometimes Editor of I am so thankful to our readers -- and proud of the daily operations of...
Take the Night with Humphrey MooncalfWe've been following Doktor A and the Mechtorians for some time and were thrilled to see the glow-in-the-dark version of Humphrey...