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Anatoy Complex Tester Dummy Man
MEET ALVIN: He's the sort of guy who comes together on your whim. A perfect synergy between action figure, Lego, and art toy all rolled...
Latest Acquisitions from Buzzard Guts
Sometimes I'm a bit like a child at Xmas when I open up new toys that come from far away places. Oh, 'tis the season after all! Here we...
FlabSlab Takes Bobett To The Next Level
HOPE YOUR NOT AFRAID OF HEIGHTS! This guy is growin' up fast. Literally. Bobett (not to be confused with John Wayne) by Wetworks (aka...
Final 48 Hours To Create A Monster
PINKY PROMISE: We are so enamored by the sculpt and overall design, as well as the clear and regularly updated Kickstarter campaign that...
Split At Birth: What's Up Bugs?
FUZZY WUZZY INSIDE OUT: It's so fantastic to see classic Looney Tunes making a comeback in toy form these days. Bringing this new wave to...
Bake-Kujira Ectoplasm Just Glows
THE SWEET GLOW OF ECTOPLASM: We are a big fan of this gorgeous 11" sofubi sculpt by Candie Bolton. With each rendition something magical...
Catching Up w/The Work of Winson Ma
HAPPY APE-A-VERSARY: Just as we traverse the month of December and the finale of 2016 comes a very special package from Hong Kong and the...
Adulthood, aha.
THIS IS THE BOMB! We've seen some credible pieces from our friend on the other side of the globe (Romania), but this is (Oasim) Karmieh's...
Vulgaris Mortem at Guzu Gallery
Austin, TX: If you are down here in the Lone Star state please mark your calendars early for Vulgaris Mortem, an exhibition of sofubi...
The Astronaut In 3rd Colorway x Tomenosuke
2016 has been a wild and wonderful year in the world of designer toys, and with a short month left ticking before we flip the last digit...
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