Kozik: A mans work is never a bust.To many of us art and toy collectors Frank Kozik is an icon. The Spanish-born artist has a list of poster designs from some of the most...
Video Review: Redman Toys Revisits A Clockwork OrangeTHIS FIGURE IS (de)LARGE + IN CHARGE: As you'll witness in this review we give every attention to this 1:6 Scale figure, Alex DeLarge by...
Evil Mum Clockwork Carrot x Yamakichi x BlackBook ToyGOTTA GETTA KOZIK: Here we have the Yamakichi exclusive of Lil Alex and Dim figures in the 'Evil Mum' Edition from Frank Kozik's...
A Clockwork Orange RebornTHIS CLOCK IS TICKING: Medicom toys will be releasing an Alex Real Action Heroes (RAH) 1:6 Scale Figure from A Clockwork Orange. This...
Dear Santa: Ho Ho Ho - Our Grail Figures!WHAT'S ON YOUR LIST?: Here at Go Figure News we are a wild bunch of collectors who have a vast range of taste, from tiny minis to outer...