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twelveDot's Latest is Incognito
Just released by kidribbit, er, Kidrobot, it's the bear Dunny disguised as a frog, or perhaps verse vica, either way - adorable! The Apo...
Nekofukurou Sofubi by Jeff Soto x Blackbook Toy
YOU TWO-FACED ANIMAL!: In contention for our toy of the year is this incredible 6" beauty from Jeff Soto, produced by the finest at...
Coming + GO-ing
Hey go-friend! As we enter our third year publishing online with a dedication to independent toymakers and designer toys, we are excited...
Have No Fear, Bismuth Man Is Here!
PEPTO PUNCH: The one and only Sucklord is at it again, providing soothing, pretty pink relief for collectors all around. From Suckadelic...
GOFN's New Collector Of The Month Interviews
Howdy Boys n' Girls of all ages, shapes, sizes, backgrounds - we welcome you all to our latest column in the making! For this one we need...
Cereal Killers Continues with Franken Fat
Here at we can't think of a more anticipated series than Ron English's Cereal Killers by his own company, Popaganda. We...
A Chronicle of Interviews: Behind The Figure
TALK TALK TALK: Interviews can be candid, awkward, funny and revealing. Over the last two years we have had the great pleasure to talk...
Mezco Celebrates Star Trek 50 With Mr. Spock
LIVE LONG & PROSPER: From The Cage (original pilot) to Beyond we salute the fifty years that have gone from the small to the silver...
Pledging Independents
WE SALUTE THEE: Starting on August 1st to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary - we, myself and I are going 100% independent here at Go Figure...
Review: ArmEpic Lich Grim
This little grim resin figure, limited to 40 pieces, was created by Thailand's own Arm Epic who works out of Trinity Art Studio. Let's...
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