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Mousezilla Will Stomp Thailand Toy Expo
The latest news coming from Thailand Toy Expo is Mousezilla from artist Ron English, produced by Blackbook Toy. This character originated...
How To Further Perfect A Designer Toy
TWO GREAT TASTES THAT TASTE GREATER TOGETHER: Awesome Toy's hysterically weird Jinmenken gets the Australian touch by customizer supreme,...
Remjie Malham To Debut 'Doro' A New Sofubi
Doro is a demon, a cute lil' demon. He's been around in resin form before as well as acting as a 'mascot' of sorts as the artist's logo....
New Acquisitions from Japan + Canada
TAKE A BITE!: Toys tend to embrace the passage of time, better than most people. Every so often I produce a video flashback and forward...
Review: Pookie by Pucky
Hello Pookie! No, I'm not getting chummy with you, it's the latest soft vinyl figure from Hong Kong based artist Pucky. Hand painted,...
Get It On Bangagon - Dragonfire Style
SO SOFUBI: Here we've been given a golden (and pink, and purple...) opportunity to review our very first figure from talented maker...
Vegetarians Beware: Iron Meat Is Here
BA-BA-BA-BAmmmmmm: Don't be fooled by the headline (yours truly's been veg since '84), yet there's a serious pounding, not as in...
The Darkness Came for Clockwork Carrot
Many of you are already aware of Frank Kozik's A Clockwork Carrot but did you know there are several, and I mean several colorways. The...
Here Awesome Toy Glows Again
PHANTOM BAT: Measuring 11" this is Awesome Toy‘s large unpainted sofubi and it is an exclusive put out by Kore-Kore. "Inspired by the...
Behind The Figure: Candie Bolton
Go Figure News is pleased to have had the opportunity to get a chance to chat with self tought Californian designer and toy artist Candie...
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