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The Latest Squadt Is Ready For Battle
Just Released: GERM s006 [Peacef*cker]: designed by Playge and produced by threezero. This is one of the final few collaborative projects...
I Think I Am Losing My Mind. Thanks to Jermaine Rogers
In less than a week you are going to be able to walk through the doors of the Pasadena Convention Center and nab one of these...
Mickey Monster Kickstarter
HE'S CREATED A MONSTER! New Yorker Vincent Scala has just announced a new and fun Kickstarter to bring his Mickey Monster drawing and...
Gimme Some Headspace
BEAR WITH US: If you keep up with the comings and goings of some of the most interesting artists on the designer toy scene you will...
The Scream Comes Alive In Three Dimensions
Any art lover who has seen Norwegian artist Edvard Munch's ubiquitously popular and enduring The Scream at the Museum of Modern Art or...
Building A Go-Team
Simply Nerdana: As we are well into our third year in virtual print we thought it was a good opportunity to reach further into the...
Treegar Wants To Be Replanted
SAVE A TREE - GET A TREEGAR: It's 'Treegar' - the Etherian killer tree has been evolving for four years and is the woodsy creation of Lee...
Meet Yaxxar from MADKIDs Home Studio
HELLO HOLLOW: I think I'm melting. No, the eternal Summer of Dallas hath waned, it's my heart this time. This figure from Thai artist...
Huck Gee Announces Le Mystique Resins
SEVERE HARE: You will be seeing our very first review of new work by Bay Area artist Huck Gee in the coming weeks, and he just announced...
miniKUBREY x CodecZombie
This is Italian artist Alessandro Randi's nod to one of our top five favorite directors of all time, Stanley Kubrick. The nearly 2.5"...
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